Living Greens

Seed Pads


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Choose from the following seeds in the drop-down menu to grow in your Living Greens micro greens kit.

Rocket - A strong, spicy and nutty flavour low in calories and high in folic acid and B vitamins to support a healthy metabolism. Organic.

Garden Cress - A prized medicinal herb in the middle east, garden cress has a delicious tangy, peppery flavour. Very high levels of Vitamins A, C & K along with manganese to support healthy bones and aid in reducing inflammation. 

Broccoli - Mildly peppery in flavour, broccoli is the nutritional superstar of our microgreen family, containing 35% protein along with high levels of vitamins A, B, C, E, & K, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc! Organic.

Red Cabbage - Sweet and delicate flavours with high levels of vitamin C and concentrated levels of cholesterol lowering polyphenols. Organic.